Giving Back
As a school, we actively seek to nurture social responsibility in our students, encouraging and enabling them to be agents of change within our school walls and beyond, fulfilling this important aim by regularly reaching out to individuals or organisations who are in need of our support.

St. Michael School in Action
The School’s flagship project in this respect – the building and eventual running of a school in Kenya – was initiated and managed by the late Mr. Alfred Carabot, together with Fr. Jesmond Grech. In pursuing this dream, Mr. Carabot and Fr. Jes set the pace for the School’s altruistic stance, moulding the school community into one which believes in going beyond oneself and outside of one’s comfort zone to bring about a positive change in people’s lives.
In our every day life at school, this manifests itself in various ways. The three sectors – senior, junior and KG – have organised bake-sales and dress-down days, collected food and funds and provided practical help in various projects. These are a few of the ways in which, as a School, together with the support of our very generous parent community, we have addressed the various needs of those around us, be they close or far.

Giving back to the Community
Charitable activities are another integral part of our school community. We organise numerous outreaching initiatives throughout the year, and many of them are student-led. By involving our students in these efforts, we encourage them to take ownership of their impact on the world and develop a lifelong commitment to social responsibility.
In addition to our charitable activities, we hold school assemblies, bringing together students, teachers and staff. These assemblies have a reflective element, providing an opportunity for contemplation and sharing of ideas, and also fostering a sense of school community spirit. It is during these gatherings that we celebrate achievements, showcase talents and reinforce the values that define us as a community.

Blood Drive
Last year, we successfully organised two blood drives, bringing together our school community in a shared spirit of generosity and compassion. Building on this success, we are excited to continue this initiative with more blood drives planned for next year.